Stop Critiquing ‘Back To The Future’: 5 Other Movies That Failed To Predict The Future

Why aren’t people content with accepting BTTF2 as a ripping piece of comedy/sci-fi that was simply presenting a fictional version of a future land?

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In 1989, the sequel to one of the greatest ever movies about time travel was released, and then itself became one of the greatest movies about time travel. While 1988’s Back to the Future was fantastic, it was set in a world we’d already seen and lived through – Back to the Future Part 2, however, showed us the mother-flippin future and we lapped it up! Back then, 2015 seemed like such a long way away that anything could be possible. As the years went on the film only became more and more loved…but then, something happened. As social media started to spread its wings, some bright spark realised that we were getting closer and closer to that future we had grown up watching, and dammit, hoverboards didn’t look like they’d be invented in time.

The complaints started small enough at first; one or two people re-posting the joke and getting a small grin. But then the photo-shoppers got on board and started altering dates. Suddenly you couldn’t go a week without somebody else incorrectly thinking that today was the day Marty McFly arrived, #wherearemyhoverboards?

As it built to a fever-pitch, we somehow weren’t content with accepting BTTF2 as a ripping piece of comedy/sci-fi that was simply presenting a fictional version of a future land. We started to treat the movie as a prediction, and started judging it accordingly. “Ha ha, you stupid movie. All of your flawless time-lines and multi-dimension hopping story-line and great characterisation and sense of adventure and fun are useless, because you couldn’t even predict hoverboards correctly!”

Well, allow me to pour cold water over the most over-used joke on the internet by asking, so what? What about BTTF2 makes us mark it so harshly? And what about hoverboards – cool as they are – makes it the centre of it all? Nobody complains that we don’t have flying DeLoreans. Hell, nobody complained back in 1989 that WE DIDN’T HAVE TIME TRAVEL and if you’re going to take a movie to task over its cool stuff that isn’t in real life, you’d think that’d be the first thing to pick on.

Still, the internet will be the internet, so allow me to take it to its logical conclusion by confirming the results of predictions of other past movies about the future:

* Despite what you might have thought after catching a re-run of Escape from New York – The Big Apple has NOT been walled up and converted into a prison. Equally, the President is just fine.

* 2010: The Year We Made Contact. Nnnnnnnope. 2015: The Year We Found Water Traces, maybe.

* Back to New York – I was there recently, and for anybody who watched 2012, don’t panic! The city didn’t flood nor freeze over. She’s (big) apples.

* 11 years on from Terminator 3, and Skynet still hasn’t been able to wipe out the world with a nuclear holocaust. Disappointing, really.

* Despite the dire warnings of The Omega Man, humanity thus far has avoided a plague that turns most people into zombie-like ghouls. It’s kind of a shame, because had that held up, we’d all be descendants of Charlton Heston.

I was going to end this piece with a joke about The Postman, but there’s no version of reality, past, present or future in which there exist people who have seen it.

Written by Mitch Grinter.

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6 Comic Book Characters Who Suffer From Serious Mental Illness

We take a look at some well-known comic book characters who suffer from chemical imbalances of the brain.

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It’s been a bad mental health week for me. You see, going through ebbs and flows with my anxiety, I can go months at a time feeling completely fine as the confident guy that I am, but on the flip-side, one comment can send me spiraling. The best way to describe it is that it’s like a constant inner monologue that questions everything people say, constantly reminding you of mistakes you made as long as a decade ago. If that’s not enough, it will twist those mistakes to the point that you start remembering them as being significantly worse than they were. So with that off my chest, I thought I’d take a look at some comic book characters that have their own chemical imbalances of the brain.

Robert Reynolds – Sentry

Powers: Chemically-Enhanced Physiology, Molecular Manipulation, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Agility , Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Senses, Flight, Nigh Invulnerability, Photokinesis, Light Projection, Energy Blasts, Psionic Abilities, Healing Factor, Resurrection.

Mental Illness: Agoraphobia, Anxiety, Schizophrenia.

A character that Marvel has at times claimed to be the most powerful Superhero in their universe, is also one of their most mentally ill. Sentry lives in constant fear of his power, concerned that if he ever unleashes its full potential, it would be catastrophic for Earth.

Vril Dox – Braniac

Powers: Unique Physiology, Psychokinesis, Superhuman Strength, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Enhanced Intellect

Mental Illness: Mysophobia

One of Superman’s most dangerous enemies, Braniac suffers from a phobia of germs. Now this is interesting, since he travels through the universe destroying planets and bottling cities, which you’d think would leave him open to new and wonderful germs on a daily basis.

Hank Pym – Ultron

Powers: Robotic Body, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Durability, Flight, Concussion Blasters, Tractor Beams, Radiation Emitters, Encephalo-Beam, Energy Absorption, Program Transmitter, Memory Capacity, Motility Support, Power Supply, Sensor Apparatus.

Mental Illness: Bi-Polar Disorder.

While being merged with your greatest and most dangerous creation is sure to give you identity issues, Hank Pym was unwell long before that. His Bi-Polar disorder has caused him to constantly question his abilities, feel inferior to fellow inventor Tony Stark and had him labelled a wife beater.

Harleen Quinzel – Harley Quinn

Powers: Toxic Immunity, Psychiatry, Gymnist, Genius Level Intellect

Mental Illness: Obsession

Dr. Harleen Quinzel led a normal productive life until her encounter with the Joker. Something about him triggered her obsession and it was 100% directed at him. This resulted in her leaving her normal life and becoming the cosplay inspiration we love her for.

Mark Spector – Moon Knight

Powers: Telepathic Immunity, Adaptive Personality, Pain Resistance, Fear Inducing.

Mental Illness: Dissociative Identity Disorder

Moon Knight’s madness is so strong that it has labelled some to call it magical. Hedoesn’t simply believe that Mark Spector and Moon Knight are different people, but he also has other aliases he believes to be real.

Bruce Wayne – Batman

Powers: Indomitable Will, Intimidation, Interrogation, Peak Human Conditioning, Peak Human Strength, Peak Human Reflexes, Peak Human Speed, Peak Human Endurance, Peak Human Agility, Acrobatics, Martial Arts, Genius Level Intellect, Eidetic Memory, Disguise.

Mental Illness: Psychopathic, Sociopathic.

Batman, the Defender of Gotham, a man that can beat any foe regardless of their superpowers, simply because he is Batman. The only problem is, he’s a raving lunatic. He thinks nothing of crippling people for information or petty offences. He has no qualms with using children in his war against crime and to make matters worse, if he abandoned the cape and cowl, Bruce Wayne could do more good for Gotham than Batman ever could.

So there are 6 comic book characters who are way more messed up than you and I, and  if they can’t get mental health right with all their power and money, then what hope do we have?

Written by Michael Loverdos

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WATCH: RARE ‘Behind The Scenes’ Documentaries On The Original Star Wars Trilogy

A collection of some rare documentaries on the original Star Wars trilogy.

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It’s impossible not to be excited for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. After over 30 years since the original trilogy was released, we might finally have a decent sequel to add to the saga. In saying that, it’s probably safer to remain cautiously optimistic, as we all know what happens when you get too excited for a new Star Wars film.

As a way to help build anticipation and fill that void between now and December, we scoped some rare documentaries on the original trilogy that we thought any Star Wars fan would be interested in. Enjoy!

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The Top 5 Zombie Video Games Of All Time

Zombies are everywhere these days, here you’ll find the Top 5 zombie video games worthy of your time.

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Zombie Movies, zombie games, zombie books. Zombies are pretty much everywhere these days, so if you’re a fan of the bloodthirsty walkers, join me as we take a look at the Top 5 zombie video games worthy of your time:.

5. DayZ

Day Z started as a mod for a computer game called Arma. It’s now a standalone game, but it retains much of its mod charm (such as horrible game breaking bugs).

The reason it makes the list is because of how similar it can be to The Walking Dead. It’s an always online game that finds you scavenging to survive, but much like The Walking Dead, zombies aren’t really the problem. Zombies are easily disposed of quietly or simply outran. It’s the other players that are the REAL problem. From a lone shot ringing out before your screen goes black, to mexican stand offs, DayZ teaches us that given the safety of a mouse and keyboard, everyone is a villain in the apocalypse.

4. Dead Rising

It’s a Dawn of the Dead remake in a game.

You play as a photographer who helicopters his way into a town that has been quarantined. Of course you find zombies, and lots of them. The great thing about Dead Rising is that everything in the Mall can be used as a weapon. Running from zombies with no health and no weapons? Pick up that traffic cone and throw it at them, it might slow them down.

Like all good zombie games, the biggest issue are the people, and this Mall has plenty of them. While most of them need your help to get to safety, a few have snapped and become psychopaths. You can avoid most of them, but taking them out will get you rewards that are sometimes too good to pass up.

3. The Walking Dead

It’s like the books, and not that terrible TV show.

I’ve never been a huge fan of point and click adventures or quick time events, but it’s really all this game is. In essence, you click on what you are told to click and press what button the screen screams at you to press. Sounds terrible right?

However there’s something more going on in this game. The decisions you make, while seemingly have little effect to the story at the time, actually come back to haunt you in a terrible way. You didn’t side with your friend in an argument that one time? Well sorry, but three chapters later he is going to call you an asshole and leave with all of the supplies.Throw in a main character that is both relatable and easily-liked, and you have a great Walking Dead story wrapped in the skin of a good game.

2. House Of The Dead

A game so scary it needed to be curtained off at Timezone.

First-Person shooters can be fun. They get about 1000% more fun when you’re holding a light gun and frantically pulling the trigger as a zombie arm hurtles towards you. While probably not even the best FPS zombie game (I will begrudgingly admit the COD zombie games are quite good) the ability to go to Timezone with a friend, hold an actual gun in your hand and fight off the zombie apocalypse gives it enough bonus points to get it on the list.

1. The Last of Us

This is what a zombie game should be. Resources are rare (especially on harder difficulties) so you’re going to do a lot of sneaking around and caving zombie heads in from the shadows. You’ll also come across groups of humans that will always be a challenge (a man in a window with a rifle will be the end of you, just like real life) and the story is compelling; just when you think it couldn’t get more compelling a major injury to the main character flips everything on its head.

This game should be the game all other zombie games try to be, and every zombie movie should borrow heavily from. It’s a 10/10

So that’s my Top 5 zombie games. It’s pretty clear that for me an important part of zombie games is how the human survivors are handled. What makes a good zombie game for you? Comment below.

Written by Michael Loverdos.

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5 Things From The Comics That I Want To See In ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 6

Here are some events from The Walking Dead comic series that I hope make their way into the TV show this season.

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We are on the home stretch for Season 6 of The Walking Dead and I’ve got to be honest, not only am I excited, but I’m also rather scared. Why? Well if we go to the comic timeline from where Season 5 left us, there’s going to be a great combination of both happy events along with dreadful ones that will leave you numb and traumatised (they had that effect on me anyway).

So without giving away too many spoilers (don’t read on if you don’t want to know anything), here are 5 things I hope to see in this upcoming season, along with something I seriously never want to see:

1. Eugene bites the crotch of the enemy.


Even though Eugene already started to grow as a character is Season 5, Season 6 should see the best of him. After witnessing the death of a friend and being captured to use for bait, let’s just say Eugene grows some balls which he finally uses for good instead of just telling stories. Instead of whimpering away and begging for mercy, Eugene instead bites the crotch of his captor – hard! He then survives through the bullet exchange that follows, and from here on Eugene becomes a very valuable and loyal member of the Alexandria Safezone, even starting a mass production ammunition line.

2. Jesus done right.


The new character Jesus is one bad ass legend and the good news is that he’ll be in Season 6. This guy goes through a lot just to gain the trust of the group, and it doesn’t stop there. He is a survival expert and a force not to be reckoned with. He takes down both Abraham and Michonne with ease and can fight off the walkers in handcuffs. If screened right, everyone will fall in love with Paul ‘Jesus’ Munroe.

3. Shiva.


When meeting Ezekiel at The Kingdom, you will also meet his tiger companion, Shiva. The story of how they crossed paths is heart-warming, this amazing animal truly steals my heart. The love and loyalty she has for Ezekiel proves to be a tear jerker, as well as one of the best plots of the comic.

4. The herd through Alexandria.

cats-compressed (2)

Some people might think it’s weird that I added this to the list, but this disastrous herd through the Alexandria Safezone in the comic was one of my favourite stories. Those characters not made for the apocalyptic world die, and you see yet again that when it comes to Rick’s family, you will always come second. Post herd, Rick takes control of the situation and shows everyone that he is the boss and can get them through anything.

5. The becoming of Carl.


Throughout the comic, Carl grows to be one strongly independent kid, something which has yet to be shown in the TV show. Instead everyone hates him (as they did Andrea but DO NOT even get me started on that); however he really is remarkable in the comic. There are reasons of censorship as to why the ‘true’ Carl can’t be shown on TV, but still I’d ;love to see some form of it in Season 6. Carl encounters another near death accident and lives through the odds again. It sees him turn more cold-hearted than his Father could ever be, in fact, the most evil of characters I’ve ever encountered in comics (not just TWD), calls Carl a future serial killer, and that he cannot kill him before his story ends, because it will be too fucking interesting.

What I DON’T want to see.


The evil character I just referenced is named Negan. It’s a large and a very important piece of the story that has to happen, but I can safely say we DO NOT want to see this maniac or his infamous bat’ Lucille’, whom he has a semi-sexual relationship with. His army known as ‘The Saviours’ are almost on the same level. Be warned, when the show does in fact introduce Negan, you will suffer much heartache. Seriously, the first scene where Negan is introduced has left me traumatised ever since the time I read it.

So there is my list of what I want to see in The Walking Dead Season 6. Let me know what you think, and fellow comic lovers please let me know what parts of the comic YOU want to see on the TV show.

Written by Kerry Jenkins.

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Ryan Reynolds Stole A Deadpool Costume And He’s Damn Proud Of It

Ryan Reynolds has confessed to some rather amusing criminal activity as of late.

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With the Deadpool movie only four months away, Ryan Reynolds has been doing the media rounds in a rather unique fashion. You might call it ‘no fucks given mode,’ however maybe he’s just channeling his inner Wade Wilson, since let’s be honest, the two are virtually one in the same when it comes to personality anyway.

In an interview with Marie Claire, Reynolds broke the news of his recent criminal activity.

“I loved wearing [the suit] and I have run away with one. I’ll probably get into trouble for saying that, but I’ve waited 10 years to do this movie so I’m leaving with a f***ing suit.”

You can understand why he would be so eager to claim the costume as his own, I mean apparently the dude cried when he first laid eyes on it. That’s love right there.

If anything it’ll at least make every convention that more intriguing from now on, since every time you see a guy wandering around in a Deadpool suit, there’s an ever-so-slight chance you may be crossing paths with Michael Bergen himself.

Deadpool hits theaters on February 16, 2016.

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10 Reasons Why You Should Watch ‘Turbo Kid’ Immediately

Turbo Kid is a movie that everyone should be watching immediately, here are 10 key reasons why.

Popcultchageek nerd australia torrent thisAlready deemed a cult hit, Turbo Kid is a post-apocalyptic master piece set in the future year of 1997. Drawing viewers in through nostalgia with the love of the 80’s, sci-fi, action and comic books, there’s no reason why anyone shouldn’t watch this movie – unless of course you’re boring or simply prefer to look at a blank screen.

It is my aim to get every single Torrent This fan to watch Turbo Kid and get those same nostalgia feels and ridiculous cheesy smiles that I did, without giving too many spoilers away. So here are my 10 reasons why you should drop everything and watch this movie.

1. The Kid’s room.

I, like many of you will, relate to the main character ‘The Kid’. Living in our fantasy worlds, we’ve all played out fight scenes of what would happen if we were in our favourite comic, that is until someone in reality walks past and catches you, leaving you to pretend you were swatting a fly and  walk off in an angry strop. The Kid’s room is made out of the same substance these fantasies are made out of. It’s full of all the collectibles he has found over the waste land, gaming systems, action figures, a pile of flamingo statues, comics, posters, you name it he has it. I can honestly say this room would have been my genie wish when I was growing up, and to this day I strive to have one of these rooms of greatness.

2. The Arm Wrestle.

I have added this since it’s the scene where we get to meet ‘Frederic The Arm Wrestler’, who I am positive is the re-incarnation of Crocodile Dundee. The only difference being that he is allowed to say and do what he wants. After watching this contest, you feel you’re looking at The Kurgan from Highlander.

3. The Bad Guys.

Zeus, Skeletron and all of the other baddies are magnificent. If you would like to see a mixture of a bad-ass combination of Mad Max, Big Trouble In Little China Town, Tank Girl and Mortal Kombat, well you’ve come to the right place.

4. Apple.

I want to meet Laurence Leboeuf, purely due to her performance as ‘Apple’. Her over-excitement, enthusiasm make her the definite stand-out character for me.

5. The Kid’s Rules To Survival.

Favourite rules being number 6 – always carry a weapon, and 7 – if you don’t have one make one. Enter Apple’s new Excalibur-esque  worshipped weapon, the Gnome Stick.

turbo kid review

6. Colosseum Death Pit.

Fighting to the death wouldn’t be complete without a villain similar to Batman Begins’ Scarecrow, who kills fighters with a besser block sledgehammer.

7. The Bicycle Intestine Pull.

I don’t think I really need to add anything more to this.

8. The Soundtrack.

The opening music and graphics made me feel as though I was about to watch a Starfighter meets Tron fantasy. If you like disco synth that makes you feel like either hitting the dance floor or jumping those karate kicks out, you will NOT be disappointed.

9. Apple’s Bicycle. (spoiler)

Easily my favourite scene of the whole movie. Apple riding in on her unicorn headed bicycle to save the day, and then stabbing one of the baddies with said unicorn head. If that scene on its own does not win an Oscar, there really is no hope for Leo.

10. Those Heart Feels Of Nostalgia.

As I mentioned earlier, this movie attracts an audience who love things like the 80’s, sci-fi, action and comic books. If you’re one of these then you’ll be smiling so hard after this movie that your face will hurt. I simply can’t list all the memories that brought those feelings of nostalgia throughout this film. Turbo Kid even touched the Aussie side of me, taking me back to the BMX Bandits days and the wasteland reminding me of the Super Pit in Kalgoorlie. Everything in this movie will feel familiar to home, especially the overly fake death scenes and blood spurts. There is even a scene where there’s some sort of torso body tower… it’s amazing.

So without giving too much away, those are my 10 Reasons Why You Should Watch Turbo Kid Immediately. Let me know what you think after you’ve watched it, and for those very intelligent people who have already checked it out, let me know YOUR favourite moments.

Written by Kerry Jenkins.

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Transformers Movies Are Planned Until 2025

Find out how many Transformer movies have been planned until 2015.

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Whilst many have argued that the Transformers franchise is already watered-down enough as it is, this isn’t stopping Paramount from bringing more robot-fighting action to the big screen.

Earlier this year they released plans to map out the Transformers franchise much like Marvel (they’ve reportedly got the MCU planned out until 2028), which doesn’t just include sequels to Michael Bay’s films. There are reportedly several spin offs and possibly even a prequel in the works for the Transformers universe, the latter of which could very well be animated.

If this were the case, it would likely take us back to the Transformers home world of Cybertron, where it would explore their origin.

Hasbro executive Vice President Steven J. Davis has also revealed who is on-board to oversee the Transformers franchise over the next decade. The group of writers include Akiva Goldsman, Steven S. DeKnight (former showrunner of Daredevil and Spartacus) and Robert Kirkman (creator of The Walking Dead).

“So, we got together in a room over a three-month period of time with nine of some of the most creative writers I have ever worked with shepherded by Akiva Goldsman, who many of you may know won an Academy Award for A Beautiful Mind and has written a bunch of really great movies. And they plotted out the next ten years of Transformers… So stay tuned: Transformers 5 is on its way.. and 6 and 7 and 8.”

It’ll be interesting to see if they can bring a much-needed fresh approach to the Transformers universe, what are YOUR thoughts? Comment below.

Source: TFW

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‘The Martian’ Review: Innovative, Exciting And Damn Entertaining

The Martian is essentially an old-school film with modern equipment. It’s a survivor story mixed in with sci-fi, with a heavy focus on the “sci”.

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For those unfamiliar with the synopsis of The Martian, it’s a simple one to sum up. On a manned mission to Mars, the Ares crew are struck by a much larger than expected storm. During their attempt to leave the planet, astronaut Mark Watney (Matt Damon) is struck by debris and knocked into the darkness. His comms dead, and their one chance of leaving the planet about to tip, the captain makes the tough decision to leave him behind. Unbeknownst to the world, Mark is still alive. And now alone. On Mars. As he puts it, he sets has to figure how to “science the shit” out of his situation and stay alive long enough for a rescue mission.

Everything about The Martian screams out to be supported. The novel, written by Andy Weir, was originally released for free online after several publishers knocked him back, it became successful enough that it was able to start being sold online, then publishers came calling, and now Hollywood has come calling. The good news is, if you have read and enjoyed the book, you can still watch and enjoy the movie. As with any adaptation, there are elements that are glossed over or removed entirely, but in the hands of Matt Damon, Watney becomes much more likeable and relatable than he was on the written page. The better news is that if you haven’t read the book, you can still easily enjoy the film. I’d highly recommend reading the book afterwards, though, to fill in some details and in particular explain the science behind everything a little more.

The film itself wastes no time in setting the events in place. Precious few minutes are spent with the crew going about their work before disaster strikes. There’s an old adage in film, “Don’t tell me, show me.” That can be applied two ways to this movie: For one thing, the crew all have great chemistry, but no time is wasted on explaining who is who and how long they’ve been together. We feel that and we see that, but we are respected enough not to have to be told that. From the moment Mark is alone on Mars, however, the reverse kicks into gear. It’s a credit to Damon that he remains so engaging despite the vast majority of his dialogue being explanatory about his actions. The book consists largely of Watney’s diary, which the movie cleverly substitutes for a video log for a more cinematic approach. It’s an example of a great adaptation from page to screen. Less successful are scenes where the actors are typing emails and reading them out aloud as they type. It half makes sense when the message is being sent on behalf of a group, but makes no sense at all when it’s just Watney on his own.

Back home on Earth, the boffins at NASA soon enough realise that Watney is alive, and set about trying to establish communications and figure out just how in the hell they are going to rescue their man. These scenes work the human spirit angle, aiming for the inspiration of just how smart humans can be. What they lack a little in is tension. While reading the book, the reader was often in the dark as to how Watney was going back on Mars during these moments, while in the movie we never really leave him long enough to be in doubt. It also leads to the most “movie” moment where a character literally says the words “As long as nothing else goes wrong” before cutting back to Watney at a moment where you absolutely know something is about to go wrong. It robbed the movie of what should have been as shocking a moment to the audience as it was to the character.

What is undeniably brilliant from start to finish is the cinematography. Never before has a lifeless planet looked so beautiful. Ridley Scott’s camerawork languishes over sweeping vistas of rock, dust and storms, allowing us to feel as isolated as our hero. As you would expect from the director of Gladiator, when it comes time to show the ugly side of survival, Ridley doesn’t flinch. An early self-surgery isn’t for the squeamish viewer, and the film is all the better for it. We see Watney’s teeth get dirty, we see his dramatic weight loss, we see his bruises, and we feel his pain.

None of this would matter if we didn’t get a great performance from our lead, and in this case Damon knocks it out of the park. He shows the full range of emotion one might expect when isolated on a lonely planet. This is a character who is cocky, a genius, but also facing the greatest challenge any one man might have faced. Damon changes gears brilliantly in a layered performance that can be talked about in the same terms of his best performances. It’s certainly one of the most wide-ranged of his recent years.

The Martian is essentially an old-school film with modern equipment. It’s a survivor story mixed in with sci-fi, with a heavy focus on the “sci”. It also manages to be incredibly entertaining while being harrowing. The session I saw drew several huge laughs from an audience, without ever feeling like it was being detrimental to the severity of the situation. It’s a lengthy movie clocking in at a little over 2 hours, but it breezes with a forward momentum that makes the time fly by. It’s not a perfect movie by any means, but it’s not too far away from being great, either. If it makes one mistake, it shows things to work for Mark a little too easily. A 45-day drive in a rover passes by as if it were a 5 minute drive to the shops, but knowing Ridley Scott, I would think a director’s cut with an extra 20 minutes wouldn’t be out of the question. All that said, I can’t think of many demographics who wouldn’t enjoy this film. It’s movie-making at its most basic. Innovative, exciting, and damn entertaining.

Written by Mitch Grinter

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Potential Cast For The Power Rangers Movie Reboot Revealed

Check out who is in line to play The Power Rangers in the upcoming movie reboot.

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Although the TV series is currently in its 22nd season, now known as Power Rangers Dino Thunder, long time fans of the original series were excited with the news of Liongate’s plan for a movie reboot set for release in January 2017.

Limited details have been officially announced so far, however a cast shortlist has just been revealed by Variety, which shows the names of the actors that are in the running to play the teenagers with attitude. It’s clear there is a focus on selecting relative unknowns, a concept that worked wonders for the original X-Men movies (Hugh Jackman anybody?). The list is as follows:

Kimberly (Pink Ranger):

Naomi Scott (The Martian)
Stephanie Scott

Zack (Black Ranger):

Daniel Zovatto (It Follows)
Ross Butler (Chasing Life)
Brian “Sene” Marc (Major Crimes)

Jason (Red Ranger):

K.J. Apa (Shortland Street)
Austin Butler (The Shannara Chronicles)
Mitchell Hope (The Descendants)

Whilst some of these actors are beginning to make names for themselves, there’s no true A-lister, which will go a long way to establishing a “team”, rather than focus the movie around one central “star.” Regardless, if all reports are true, this film should easily draw in the nostalgic fans whilst also giving a fresh approach to the franchise.

Are YOU excited for the Power Rangers reboot? Comment below.

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